
Brooklin Heritage Society

Preserving Brooklin’s Past

The mission of the Brooklin Heritage Society is to build a shared community legacy for the future by preserving Brooklin’s past, to encourage appreciation of and promote knowledge of the historical and cultural heritage of Brooklin, and to provide a friendly forum for people who are interested in the Brooklin Community. Whether you have lived in Brooklin for one year or 50, you know this town is all about community. 

The village of Brooklin is located in The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, Ontario, Canada, 50 kms (30 miles) east of Toronto. 

Collecting First-hand Accounts

Over the past couple of years we have interviewed elders in the community, gathering memories before they are lost. We are collecting first hand accounts on video recordings, collecting personal items with direct connection to the history of the community and recording today’s events and personalities to preserve for the future. 

Join Brooklin Heritage Society

By registering our group as Not for Profit Corporation in affiliation with Ontario Historical Society, it allows us more flexibility to host events that celebrates our history, which will in turn allow us to give back to the community. History is what forms the future and it is ours to protect and gather for the sake of new generations to come, and we know that you regard the value of preserving our history as much as we do.  

Brooklin Homecoming 

Since 2013 the Brooklin Heritage Society has organized Brooklin’s Annual Homecoming. Each year more “Brooklinites” past and present attend. At these reunions we have heard interesting stories about the history of Brooklin and the memories of families who forged a living in this small town through farming and other industry. We have learned about soldiers who left their homes to fight overseas, about bonds formed through hardships and a community of people who care about their heritage. These memories have inspired us, a small group of volunteers, to document and collect memorabilia to help preserve the history of Brooklin.

Make Your Contribution

“Sometimes we can’t let go of memories because they are a constant reminder of a great story that we never expect to end.” – Curiano.com

We encourage you to get involved through membership, a financial contribution, or submission of your story.  Please email Jennifer Hudgins – brooklinheritagesociety@gmail.com to find out how easy it can be. 

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